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As I mentioned in my previous entry (8 months ago) I have a habit of being a lot better at starting things than following through with them. Having been struck with a sudden desire to blog something, I remembered this site and reread my first post. In a way, I re-inspired myself and desire to continue more with this project. It will certainly be slow going but I really hope people can see what I desire to do with this, as spelled out in the first entry. Please consider that vision and, be it a vision you “catch,” consider how we can make it happen, as I certainly cannot do it alone.

For the time being, I am going to use this as a sort of repository for ideas I have and want a safe place to write about them. They will always either be related to video games or faith, and ideally both. I make no apologies for what I write here. I was considering a certain topic I hope to blog on soon and felt an intense fear of speaking my mind because I was afraid it would result in rejection by my peers. Rejection of me, not just my ideas. I then felt a deep conviction that I cannot allow this to motivate me. If my work as a hermeneuticist (I think that is actually a word), a theologian, and a follower of Christ lead me to something, I must stand by it with all my heart. If you come to this site and read an entry, know that you are reading me. Until this site becomes the movement I want it to be, it’ll be just me.

I still believe church is evolving and though I may do work in the church in the more traditional “brick and mortar” type of way, I will always believe in the vision presented in my first post. I emplore you to pray for me and this movement, to make actions out of any support you have for me or the project by posting comments here and/or sharing things you like via social media, and if it speaks to you deeper in your spirit to come alongside somehow and help make this happen.

In the near future I hope to post more specifics of the vision for this as well as some assorted blog entries that have been on my heart and need to be put down on some e-paper.

Thank you and God bless.

I’ve realized that in my life I have a propensity for starting things. Most of the time they will grow into the first few steps of development but have a tendency to dissolve. I’ve (twice) started a league for competitive Pokemon playing and been the co-guild leader of two World of Warcraft guilds (the later more successful than the former). I also started a few clubs in the schools I’ve been in as well as numerous blogs. That being said, I hope this project will not be “just another idea” I had. I have a passion for the Church and for gaming, and I want to do both together! I’m sure I’m not the only one out there and I certainly haven’t seen (by my own obnoxious standards) a successful incarnation of what this project will be.

My goal is to have a hub for Gamers, Christians, and Christian Gamers! This hub would have a topically-broad forum, user submitted content like game reviews, art related to either subject, or anything relevant to what else is on the site, and, ideally, the entirety of the “church” experience, all on the website! The world is becoming more digital and the Church is failing to keep up, and I hope that there’s enough of you out there that share this vision to make up for it. If something in what I say here resonates with you, please contact me and we can begin to talk about what steps it would take to get this project going. Consider this a church plant in a mission field that has not really been broken in to. It will take work, blood, sweat, and tears, but any good church would ask no less.

God bless, and happy fragging!